After leaving school in England she worked for ten years in the City of
London, in International Banking, The Daiwa Bank, Barclays de Zoete Wedd
and Banca di Roma as a Loans Administration Clerk.
She also worked for BZW
and Barclays Plc as a Commercial Paper Clerk.
She left to spend time at home with her children and decided to retrain and
qualify as a Teaching Assisitant. She was also a school Governor.
In 2002 Siobhan came to live in Ireland with her family and again found herself at
home with a new baby. She started working for TVAS in 2007 as a General
Operative before finally going back to her working roots by becoming
Administration Officer in 2010.
Siobhan's duties are as follows:
- preparation of accounts for the company
- financial administration
- staff liaison and human resources